Day 11 Easter Fast 2013

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

God is supernatural.  If you don’t see it in the gentle breeze on a burning hot summer’s day, or in the whip of the rain as the wind forces it on your face as you cower meekly in the storm, then see it in the machine as it measures, grinds, drips a perfectly brewed warm cup of coffee in your mug with the barest push of the button, or in the sounds the computer makes as it crunches numbers in perfectly timed bits and bytes.

Sure, you may say that it’s electricity, or that it’s nature.  You might even go so far as to say that it all comes down to biology, or chemistry, or physics, or math.  I grant you all those things; they all exist.

But I dare you to look even deeper than those.  Go even further.  At the root of it all, at the base of your biology, or your chemistry, or your physics, or your maths — at their very foundation, at the very elemental level where they all just seem to “work” — do you see where it goes?

Nobody even knew about cells at first.  Then they found out about molecules.  Then atoms.  Then the parts that make up that atom.  Who knows what else is in there?

I will be waiting with bated breath for the next scientific breakthrough or finding or theory or what have you.  I expect that we have not even begun to find out everything there is to know about this universe in which we live.

But for me, I attribute all those great and wonderful things to a great a wonderful God.  Both the known and the unknown; the easily understandable and the frustratingly opaque.

He is powerful beyond anything else, and He can put together the biggest galaxies, and create every individual proton or neutron electron, or anything else.

And it is all miraculous.

God, you are amazing.  Thank you for being You.


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