Married at First Sight

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Married at First Sight is a reality show that takes groups of men and women who matches them off with the aid of “experts” and compatibility questionnaires. The finalists meet each for the first time at the altar, where they are legally married. They are then sent off to their wedding night, honeymoons, and co-living spaces where they get to know each other in the course of four weeks, before they decide whether to stay or married, or get a divorce.

I already have a low opinion of America in that divorce is allowed, and is seemingly so easy to get. But this show further cheapens marriage so much in that it is the basis of a game, a springboard to fame that can bring your name and face across to millions of viewers who tune in to the show.

So the premise itself is ridiculous, but that’s what makes for fun TV I guess. I watch it, and are amused by reacting to their antics, judging the tiny people on the screen for the messed up decisions they are making.

I am biased against these relationships because they never experienced the pursuit portion of a man-woman relationship.

These men don’t know that they should be in active pursuit of their partner. Because they got the blessing of having something without working for it in the least, they don’t see the value of the thing that they have, or the person that they have. They didn’t have to work for the partnership that they are enjoying.

Also, the world is telling them that they should also demand to be pursued. The roles have been blurred for the sake of political correctness, which is more often than not mistakenly applied where it really shouldn’t be.

Such is the fate of the fallen world. There is a need for liberation, there is a place for equality, but not at the expense of giving up relationship privileges that are naturally ascribed to the genders.

Another thing is that the women don’t know that they should to be want to pursued. They know women’s lib, and girl power, and gender equality – these are all good and valid and necessary things for a peaceful world. But all of these don’t erase the fact that in a Godly relationship, men and women seek to be loved, need to be loved.

They got married, but only on paper, for the sake of the show. Of course some do get together and stay together. That is, according to the show. I have no idea what is real or not when it comes to these Hollywood types.

Again, I am just judging from afar, safe in my own house, far removed from the “reality” of their lives. It’s all just a farce designed to keep people glued to the screen to watch what happens next.

I can’t wait for the next season.

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