Psalm 119

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Before we leave the house, we put on several things that will protect us from the elements, to safeguard against whatever the weather would throw at us in the course of our day. If it looks likely to rain, we bring an umbrella. If it’s cold, we wear a jacket. Some people make it a point to always use sunscreen.

These things eventually become second nature to us, becoming more of a habit rather than something we have to think about. Furthermore, we make it so that the things we need are within our reach, either right beside the door, inside a hall closet, or even inside our bags, easily accessible anytime. We take them out, put them on, and thus protected, we are able to go out in the world.

Likewise, the Word of God is another protective armor that we should be considering. It is tougher than any heat or weather resistant fabric. It is stronger than anything with reinforced steel. It is affordable to the point of being free. It is accessible and 100% portable. You can take it anywhere, and if you carry it in your heart, it won’t even weigh an ounce. And it has a warranty that will never ever run out.

If we know enough to keep an umbrella in our bags, what more a Bible? If it’s common sense to grab a coat when it rains, what more the Word of God when we are being besieged? If we reach for a shawl to guard our bodies against the cold, what more the Words of truth to wrap around our hearts to guard against the lies of the devil that can break more than just our bodies?

I may forget my umbrella, and I may forget my coat, and I know I don’t even put on sunscreen everyday. But my Bible? I never leave home without it.

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