Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.
Psalms 144:1 NLT
David’s writings in the book of Psalms have a lot to say on endurance, and resilience, and strength for everyday challenges. At the time that he went through it he was going through some very real battles, fighting very literal wars.
Today we take those words and apply it to the fortitude we need for our struggles. We may not be grappling with swords and spears, or doing hand to hand combat, but we are all still fighting, one way or another.
God knows this. He knows it will be an ongoing battle for His people. As surely as He has written the entire story, complete with the final ending in the last chapter, He knows that there are rough times throughout.
And through it all, He is a prayer, a plea, a petition away from lending us a hand, providing what we need to defeat our enemy.
He trains our hands for war, so that we can put them together over and over again, in the classic pose of the supplicant, tireless in our pursuit of His strength and His power.
He gives our fingers skill for battle, so that we can keep pointing up, always to the heavens, looking to where our help comes from.
Praise the Lord. He is my rock.