Experience Identification With Christ

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  • talk about own water baptism experience, share any confusion or difficulties faced
  • ask if she had any problems
  • ask if she understands what it is for

Jesus gave His disciples 2 ordinances to carry out as visible reminders of His death and ressurection

  1. Water baptism
  2. Holy communion

There are many recorded events about baptism in the Bible

  1. During Pentecost – people were baptized w/in hours of accepting Christ
    Acts 2:41
  2. The Samaritans were baptized immediately
    Acts 8:12
  3. The Ethiopian eunuch was baptized on the same day
    Acts 8:35-37
  • From the Scriptures, it’s clear that we should be water baptized ASAP
  • There doesn’t have to be a waiting period
  • God knows we are not perfect
  • It is a sign of our obedience

Why Must Christians Be Baptized in Water?

  1. It is the command of Jesus
  2. Jesus Himself set an example for us
  3. It is an act of love and conviction of our faith to acknowledge God in public
  4. To receive spiritual blessings

Everyone who has decided to believe Jesus and commit their life to Him should be baptized.

What Is The Meaning of Water Baptism?

‘Baptism’ = Greek word ‘baptizo’
= to immerse or dip fully in water
= it symbolizes our identification with Christ’s burial and ressurection

By being baptized, we are declaring and identifying in Christ in that:

  1. Our old self is buried and dead through faith in Christ
  2. The chain of sin in our life is broken.  We are able to experience peace and love in Christ
  3. We are ressurected with Christ to live a new life

Christians Should Be Willing to be Baptized Because:

  1. It is a command of Jesus
  2. We should be glad to proclaim our relationship with Jesus in public
    – it is an outward action of an inward conviction
  3. There is spiritual blessing when we respond to God.
    – we shouldn’t miss out on our inheritance because of disobedience

Mentor Chat
What can I do if my parents do not allow me to be water baptized?

  • parents might be worried that they will lose their children to the Church
  • baptism is a very real declaration that w  are sure of our faith
  • love and honor your parents by setting an example to them of how good you are in your faith
  • our salvation ultimately resides in our own hands

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:38

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