Christmas 2024 Fasting: God’s Workmanship & Masterpiece

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For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 NLT

I am God’s masterpiece. A middle-aged middle-child working in middle-management, with above-average academic skills and high-level analytical thinking capabilities.

I am God’s masterpiece. Put me in front of a computer and I can figure out what to do mostly. Put me in a kitchen and I am lost.

I am God’s masterpiece. I can speak in front of big crowds of people, but only for a limited amount of time. I need to decompress by myself and recharge in an empty space because I am an introvert. High functioning and sociable, but an introvert nonetheless.

I am God’s masterpiece. I write and make and create and design and so what if it happens mostly in my head, I live there anyway.

I am God’s masterpiece. I work hard, I play hard, and I rest the hardest. I can bed rot like nobody’s business.

I am God’s masterpiece. And I believe He had planned this all along, determined my steps, knew where I was going to be at every single second, for all the possible choices I would make in my life.

I am God’s masterpiece, and He does not miss a beat. He is the ultimate designer, He has all the definitions, and He was the one who wrote the manual.

And if He says that He built all this for a purpose, called all His people to spread His Good News and do His good works, then who are we to question the Creator?

We are God’s masterpiece. Don’t question the maker.

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