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Right now, that word is triggering to me.


I know I am strong. I am God’s woman. I am lion, I am eagle, I am tiger, I am bear, and I can roar with the best of them.

But that is not the only way God created me to be. Strength is not the only virtue that God gave me, the only way that He made me.

For what is strength without gentleness, compassion, self-control, and restraint.

Within me there is also empathy and meekness. The capacity to feel. Which brings with it the potentiality to be hurt.

And so just because I am strong (lion, eagle, tiger, bear), doesn’t mean that all this is not breaking me. It doesn’t mean that I am not on the verge of shattering into a hundred thousand pieces at every second, at every moment, at every memory that comes up at the most importune of times.

I know I am strong (reinforced steel; time hardened concrete), but the warrior is also a child. This warrior queen is at the edge of her sword.

And is wanting to fall on it.

1 comment

  1. Lion, eagle, tiger, bear
    Three years later, I’m still here

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