Be courageous

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Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV

The usual answer to the question, “do you want to try wall climbing,” is almost always, “no, I’m scared of heights.”

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Proverbs 9:10a NIV

Acknowledging fear is the mark of a wise man. More often than not, it’s a matter of self-preservation. Human beings have an innate desire to be “safe”.

However, this is not an excuse to not venture outside of the comfort zone, and to never experience anything new, all in the pursuit of being “safe”.

And besides, the courage that is being referred to here is not foolish courage, or overblown bravura. It is a quiet confidence that is tempered with wisdom, and guided by sound judgement.

It is not blindly running into the storm, or going into the middle of a hurricane; it is not jumping off a cliff because everyone is doing it, and seems to be surviving. It is the kind of courage that is backed up with a certainty that God will be behind every good thing that is being attempted.

But as with all things God-given, this superpower has to be used with great responsibility. Having a brave heart does not exempt one from having a dull mind.

It as not an excuse to attempt things that compromise the Word of God and His commands. It should not be used to justify doing something fantastic (i.e. jumping off the edge of a cliff and expecting giant hands to materialise out of thin air), or foolhardy (i.e. walking on water because Jesus did it).

All of these things are possible in the name of Jesus. But those who rely on their own imaginations and false over-glorification are basing their hopes on smoke and mirrors. They are not standing on the Word of God. They are relying on their own power, strength, and wisdom.

Especially considering that God has already indicated, time and time again, that He is the great and willing provider of all those things.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 NIV

Being courageous and having a brave heart takes a lot of energy, and it is impossible without the Holy Spirit providing this power all the way through.

How to be courageous

1. Look to Jesus

God walked the world as man when He came to the world as Jesus Christ. And as a human being beset with earthly challenges, He too had to pray for courage to withstand. Follow in His footsteps and adopt this same discipline of will, and devotion to God and His purpose, to overcome fears and anxieties.

2. Don’t do it alone

The way can be weary, the road can be dark, and the burden can certainly be heavy. But God had never meant for it to be walked alone. Take courage from Him, secure in His promise, and confident that His Holy Spirit is always available. Staying in the church, in the community of believers that serve His same purpose, instantly makes it easier to take heart and have courage.

3. Exercise daily

The heart is a muscle, and it has to be exercised on a regular and consistent basis. Expecting massive gains without expending maximum effort is treating God like a genie in a bottle. The Bible is not a fairy tale.

Therefore be intentional in actively building up the courage — meeting with Jesus in devotion, connecting with God in prayer, expressing desire for Him in worship — every single day. Bar none. It’s truly the only way.

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