Climb On

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After both parties have checked each other if they are “on belay” the belayer can tell the climber to “Climb on!”. This is the signal that it is safe enough to proceed. The climber can start anytime after this statement, and no matter what the route dictates, be it a complicated sit-start, a powerful dyno jump, or a grueling high step, they can be sure that it is completely safe to commence. The belayer has them covered.

Serving in church is the inevitable response of a committed member. Love is not love unless it is acted upon after all, and being of service to others is the best way to actualize that love.

However, the initial reaction to that challenge is usually, “I’m not ready.” And while it’s understandable, even completely reasonable, it’s not the last word on the subject. Possible responses to, “I’m not ready” are:

  • “No one is.” Seriously. No one is ready for church ministry. If anyone says they are, all the more that their efficacy is doubtful. And paradoxically (mathematically), if no one is ready, then everyone is ready. It cancels out. Everyone is really on a level playing field when it comes to serving. Everyone is called. Everyone is growing. Everyone has the opportunity to say either yes or no. And everyone has the choice and the capacity to improve.
  • “Then get ready.” Right? If you think you’re not ready, then the obvious answer to that is to go ahead and get ready. Learn. Train. Practice. Acquire the tools that you need and aim for the skills that are necessary to use those tools. Dive in with your body, heart, mind, and soul. Get ready.

This is an important signal, because it means that the lines are secure, and both parties are as ready as they’ll ever be for the upcoming route. There might still be slipups, the climber might get tired and fall, the belayer might be jerked around a bit

Fear is natural and necessary, but it just marks the beginning. If your leader is trusting you enough to ask you to serve, then what more God in heaven, who wants nothing more than for you to live life to the fullest.

So go ahead and start. Climb on. Jesus has you covered.

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