To Have and to Hold

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but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better,
and it will not be taken away from her.

Luke 10:42

Dear beloved, 
If there is one thing you need to have and to hold is what Mary had chosen to do, to sit down at Jesus feet and hear His Word. Do you know that as a believer the greatest thing you have is your personal relationship with your Savior Jesus? Jesus, My Son is the manifestation of my love for you. Take time to know Him, the more you know Him the more you get in love with Him. He is everything you need in this world. He is the way the truth and the life. He is revealed in my Word. Dig my Word and claim what it says He is and you will be victorious in every way.

Hold on to Jesus, He is the key to life.

When was the last time you took time to sit down with Jesus and talk to Him about yourself, about your family, your ministry, your people, your health and anything that concerns you?

We can only know Him and hold on His Word when we take time to sit down at His feet and listen to what He says.

In this fast paced world of instant gratification via always online mobile devices with access to the super-fast information highway that is the Internet and everything in it, it is very easy to slip into the habit of making shortcuts for everything.  Almost everything has a delivery system nowadays, not just food.  There is a store for almost everything.  Even relationships can be automated, with online meetings, and video calls, and one-liner status shares instead of the real thing — face to face meetups and real conversation.

None of these things are bad in and of themselves.  The problem arises when they aren’t used properly.  When they are abused for their convenience, and overused for their ubiquity.

Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.

I’m sometimes guilty of not spending enough time in stillness.  Just being still before Jesus, taking my time with Him, and feeling every moment that I can, listening to every Word.  I can read the Bible.  I can read speed read, if necessary.  I can make associations and reflections and think of stories and related anecdotes quickly.  And I thank God for that which He has given me.

But.  However.  Nevertheless.  None of these can and will ever replace or supersede time spent in quiet time contemplation.


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