Not always the best

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We are writers, teachers, and storytellers. We can get out our thoughts and sentiments, breathing life into old memories long forgotten.  Sometimes the words that come out fall flat to the ground, with a heavy thud or splatter, but sometimes they also have wings and they soar into the air as eagles, or straight into stomachs as thousands of tiny butterflies.  The writing can be solid or runny, sharp or messy, beautifully crafted or clumsily shaped.

But it is always, always from the heart.

Apr 2, 2009 3:45 PM

1 comment

  1. Who were you talking about here, yourself? The words are true, but the third person POV is cringe.

    You first started doing this in 2005 in the DLS-CSB faculty lounge. And you weren’t the first one to do it, someone referred to you in the third person while you were in the conversation, and it sort of stuck.

    At the time it felt legendary. But then you picked it up as a habit even in your own head, and now, in 2024, girl, it’s just cringe.

    But the rest of it is good, I’ll grant you that.

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