I will do a new thing

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I will do a new thing

Isaiah 43:19 NKJV

It is going to be a fresh beginning, a chance to start over from a clean slate

Ever since I can remember, my two sisters and I always received a new set of clothes every Christmas. From shoes, to socks, to dresses, and eventually pants and shirts—it will all be brand new, freshly bought from the store. Even if a particular year was a difficult one for my parents (in which case a kind aunt would step in to contribute), it never mattered. We always had to wear something new for the holidays.

Because the rest of the year was mostly comprised of hand me downs, dresses outgrown from older cousins or other (more affluent) relatives. We always looked forward to new outfits at Christmas, and it made the season extra special. We knew how hard our parents worked to give us that experience.

Here God is telling is that He will do “a new thing”. And for sure, it’s not going to be just clothes.

“New” implies clean, not yet used or abused in any way, untouched by anyone else’s hands. “New” implies a fresh beginning, an opportunity to make something your own, a chance to start over from a clean slate with no mistakes.

“New” implies that it is something special and unique, lovingly crafted just for you.

God keeps His promises. And when He says this, that He will make a “new thing”, friends, prepare to be amazed. It might be in the area that you expect it the least; it might be a desire that is the closest to your heart.

But whatever it will turn out to be, one thing is for sure. This “new thing” that He is preparing for you, is going to be the best thing ever.

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