God’s Arena

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When you step on that stage, you’re supposed to be prepared to serve with all your heart. This is step one. This is the bare minimum.

But with all that we know about God, all that we know about who He is, and what He deserves, we shouldn’t just be giving our bare minimum.

When you sit behind that panel, that desk, that control center; when you operate that equipment, use that computer, handle that camera; when you take that picture, record that video, publish that post; when you are doing all that and everything is SET up, it is already GO time, and we are about to go LIVE — faithful brother or sister, this is not the time to practice. This is not the time to pray to God to give you the skill.

Of course you should be praying all the time. Of course. That is a given.

Of course God can give you the skill. With one Word, one breath, one thought from His fountain of supernatural goodness, He can do that for You. He can make a miracle right there and then and give you the abilities like you never thought possible. Remember Neo in The Matrix? Something like that.

Nothing beats the original Matrix

Before you step on that stage. Before go time. You should have already prayed. You should have already practiced. You should have already prepared.

You should have learned the song until you can sing them backwards and forwards, play them on your instrument, or dance to them to whatever beat, whichever part. You should know the lyrics by heart, every line, every verse, every chorus, every bridge. You should know the arrangement. You should know the melody. And you should be prepared to change the key when the leader tells you to change the key.

You should have prepared that multimedia presentation, that graphic file, that social media post. You should have your templates ready, and your reference images, and your spreadsheets and documents. You have backups of the latest copies, and copies of the updated backups.

It may sound like overkill, but it is better to come overprepared than to be caught underperforming.

Because that stage is God’s arena. No matter how big it is, or no matter which part of it you are tasked to serve, that stage is the Lord’s. And you should treat it with the same reverence as you would anything that belongs to Him.

And serving in ministry is a great privilege. It is not allowed for just anyone. You are there because you are chosen. You are called. And you are blessed enough to have the resources (more than enough!) to give back.

God does not deserve your bare minimum. He blesses to the overflow. And He is worthy of your all.

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