Unshakeable Commitment

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Acts 18:9-11


  • Recall what we said last time about commitment
    • it is based on the choice, not on the circumstances
    • it is measured not in big things, but in small things
    • it is not proven by intention, but by action
  • Once you have chosen a church and have chosen to serve, it should be an unwavering decision, unaffected by our weaknesses and stubbornness.
  • It starts with a personal decision and a personal desire, but it is followed by God’s blessing, and amplified by His love
  • Sometimes there are discouraging, weak moments, but we should never let ourselves turn away from that decision

Let us compare ourselves to what Paul went through:

  1. Paul went through some trying times
    • imprisoned
    • stoned
    • judged by people
  2. Paul was faced with frustrating results
    • Acts 17:34
  3. 3. Paul experienced financial pressures
    • the first thing he did was to look for a job

How to have unshakeable commitment:

  1. Be strengthened by the Word (v.9)
    • turn to God, and ask what He has to say about your situation
    • know that God always has something for us, in any circumstance of our life
    • there is no situation for which God does not have an answer
    • do not let your emotions lead you; let the Word of God lead you
    • in your discouragement, do not distance yourself from God and the church
  2. Trust in God’s provision (v.10)
    • no matter how desolate or desperate the situation, God is always with us and will never leave us
    • let us take courage in the Word of God, for He holds the future, and has already paved the way for us

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