Planned for God’s Purpose – What Makes God Smile

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Purpose Driven Life Ch. 8 & 9

You created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created.

Revelation 4:11

The Lord takes pleasure in His people.

Psalm 149:4a

The first purpose of our lives is to bring enjoyment to the Lord. From the moment we were born, God was smiling at our birth.

How do we bring enjoyment to the Lord?


“The Lord is pleased only with those who worship Him and trust His love.”

Psalm 147:11
  1. We are important enough to God that He made us
  2. He wants us to stick around for all eternity
  3. He made us able to feels emotions, and to enjoy life and love

All so that He can find enjoyment in us in turn

1 Worship is anything you do that brings pleasure to God

Every act that we do can be an act of praise and worship.

2 Worship is not for our benefit, it is for God’s

It’s not about us, and it should never be a cause of anxiety.

3 Worship is not part of our lives, it is our lives

Whatever you’re doing, do it all for the glory of God.

Live a Lifestyle of Worship

The secret is to take everything that we’re doing and placing it before God as an offering.

“The Lord is pleased with those who worship Him and trust His love.”

Psalm 147:11

What Makes God Smile?

1 God smiles when we love Him supremely

He doesn’t want our sacrifices, He wants our love.
He doesn’t want our offerings, He wants us to know Him.

2 God smiles when we trusts Him completely

We must rest in His promises, believing that He knows what’s best in our lives.

3 God smiles when we obey Him wholeheartedly

We must delight in our labours and find joy in obeying His commandments.

4 God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually

He delights in our gratitude, and rewards our attitude of praise.

5 God smiles when we use our abilities for His glory

We should ensure that we are good stewards of the blessings that God gave us.


In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more?

The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Psalm 147:11

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