Wall of Text: how-are-you edition

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thank you for the question, no I don’t need an interpreter, I understand the question completely, it’s been asked over and over and many many times, in one word, two words, and three word variations, in different languages, it’s the first question that comes to mind when people think of me, I’m assuming of course, but I can do that, this is /my/ wall of text after all, so yeah, it’s the first question people think of to ask me, and sometimes I’m so tired of it, but more often than not I’m grateful for it, cause it means people are still there, they still care, but sometimes yes, it does get tiresome especially when it’s been a particularly hard day, and there’s no time to talk, also sometimes it does dredge up something awful, reminds me of things out of the blue, when it was a perfectly ordinary day otherwise, and also, I am a nerd, and this question will always always be overthought, overwrought, overanalyzed to oblivion, because even if the asker didn’t mean it, I always will, so every statement is taken seriously, words are powerful after all, and even though more often than not it’s a throwaway statement, something to say to fill the void, to start the conversation, to open up the lines of communication, or simply a filler phrase before they shift the topic straight back to themselves, even though this is the reality most of time, I still get trapped into thinking of the right answer, the accurate answer, the honest but not too bummer answer, but then again the answer is always a bummer, because the entire sordid situation is royally uncopacetic, and no I will not edit that, it is now officially a word because I said so, and you know what, it’s not an easy day today, no, it’s the opposite of that, today is triggering on so many levels, today is supposed to be a meaningful date, but it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s a four letter word of a day, it’s totally fine, and if it’s like this today, what would it be like seven days from now, goodness

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