Christmas 2024 Fasting: God’s Faithfulness

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Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
You established the earth, and it abides.

Psalm 119:90 NKJV

To abide is to tolerate, to remain, to endure without yielding, to accept, to obey.

God’s faithfulness exemplifies resilience in the face of insurmountable odds—that of His people returning the sentiment.

Because we are truly a hard-headed bunch.

No matter how hard God assures, how often He proves, how much He shows us time and time again the depth of His love and compassion and mercy for us, we just keep missing the mark each time, falling short of meeting Him at the level that He wants us to be.

If we are Christians who have embraced God and is covenanted to Him, promised to be His representatives on earth, bearers of His image, and worshippers of His Name, then such abiding faithfulness is also what is required of us.

Understatement incoming—this is not an easy task. Far from it. We are being called to be faithful like the God who established the earth, created the universe, and placed the stars one by one so that they would light up the night for us. That same God who created time itself, all the ages before and all the eons to come.

But still, this is the calling.

Fortunately, it is not a command given by a heartless sergeant who would throw you in the frontlines without so much as a rusty blade.

It is a commission given by the same powerful God that established the earth, created the universe, placed the stars one by one, etc. etc. And that same God places weapons in our hands, keeps our bodies strong, makes our voices loud so that as we answer the calling, we have all the means at our disposal to be successful, to be victorious.

Accept. Obey. Abide.

Let’s go.

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