What do you really want?

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My notes from a preaching by Pastor Alan Platt on October 20, 2019

The world (corporations, companies, governments) wants to dictate the direction of your life. They want you to want what they are saying or selling.

Or sometimes we just let things happen to us, let happenstances take us where it will, and then we say that that was what we wanted all along.

What we should do is look at our creative design, and discover God’s intent for our lives.

Then God said, “Let us make human beings[a] in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth,[b] and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

Genesis 1:26

Let us make man according to our image, to our likeness.
– let them have the capacity for relationship
– let them act according to how we act
– let them rule, have dominion

You were created for glory because that’s what God intended for your life.

God intended that you live within quality relationships. You were designed to rule, to make a contribution, to have a purpose.

That’s why Christ came, so that we can re-establish our identity, and align it with what God intended.
– so that He can model for us how to live our lives.
– Jesus was secure in His identity

If you don’t pursue the dictates of this design, you are in danger of being led by the world, and what it desires and how it functions.

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.

John 1:12

The way you perceive yourself determines how you live. If your sense of identity is not wrapped in Christ then you will always try to find affirmation somewhere else.

5 Groups of People

1. Resourceful People – they ignite our passion
We all need to be constantly challenged by people who have further in their life than we have.

2. Important People – they share our passion
Surround yourself with people who will edify your life.

3. Teachable People – they catch our passion
These are followers, people who can capture what you can reach.

4. Nice People – they enjoy our passion
People who don’t see you as a change agent in their lives.

5. Draining People – they drain your passion

When you spend your time with the first three types of people, you INVEST your time. The people below the line only leads you to SPEND your time.

Who will be the “Pauls”, the “Barnabases”, and the “TIMOTHYS” in your life?

Jesus spent time with the masses, but He only invested His time with a few.


The CHARACTER/image of your who you are
the connections you make in your life
the calling you answer in your life

The first two positions us for the impact that we are to make in our life, according to the purpose that God has for us in our lives.

Jesus modelled purpose.

The Word gave life to everything that was created,[a] and his life brought light to everyone.

John 1:4

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

John 10:10