Prayer at 5 in the morning

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Lord, give me eyes that see Your brightness in the dark, even when there is no light shining. Let my soul forget what black looks like, let it linger only in the warmth of your love, bask in the holy light that can only come from you.

Lord, give me a heart that overflows at the very thought of your name. Give me lips that can say only praises to You. Anoint me with the wisdom I need to impart your Word at every chance, let me worship you with every breath.

Lord, give me hands that exist only to serve, with a strength that comes from You alone.  Give me willing soul, a giving soul, so that I can love others in the same way that You love me.

Let all my thoughts be pure and untainted.  Cast away everything in me that is not worthy.  Make me complete in You and alive in You and rejoicing in You.

To you alone, oh Lord, to you alone should there be glory and honour and praise forever and ever.  Amen.

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