I resign

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My response is to respectfully remove myself from the situation.

The situation being the inadequate care and attention I am receiving under the overall leadership of this group.

I understand that this relationship is not one way, and that no one is under any strict obligation to cater to my specific needs in any way.

I also submit that I have not been the easiest team member to deal with, and I have certain personality traits that make it difficult for me to form quick bonds with other people.

However, given the deeply personal and deeply hurtful circumstance that is the current state of my marriage, and the way that the leadership team chose to react to my situation, it is no longer in my best interest to be part of this group.

I need time and space to heal. I need to nurture my inner self. I need to put distance between myself and my leaders as it is no longer serving either of our purposes.

I believe we are still working towards the same goal. We still have the same vision.

Nevertheless there are several ways to go about accomplishing these same things, based on personal tendencies, preferences, and skills. Our ways and means happen to be at cross purposes.

I will continue to love my neighbours. This letter is one such attempt at such.

I will try my best to make disciples. This is harder out of context of pastoral leadership, but not impossible.

I might not successfully build churches in the literal sense, but I will definitely lend all the support that I can give towards this goal.

I hope that our transition will be smooth and uneventful.

God bless this church.

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