His Immeasurable Greatness

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God is the God of miracles, the God of the supernatural, and earthly measures do not apply to Him. To the God who created the universe, for whom time is but a memory, and who is the beginning and the end, size is nothing as well. That is why we can say that His riches are beyond measure, and His power is beyond compare. Because it truly is not possible to measure using worldly means.

This is also the reason why, when it comes to sinning, there is no such thing as ‘big’ sins and ‘little’ sins. There is no compromise, we should always keep up our armor of righteousness before the Lord.

Likewise, whatever we offer to Him, as long as we offer it in the spirit of complete faith and in all humility — in the knowledge that we are merely giving back the portion that was so lovingly given to us, and in wholehearted praise and worship — it will be taken by God, and he will delight in it and rejoice in our faith. The smallest amount given in love offering is the same as a king’s fortune in gold that is pledged but grudgingly. God does not need our money, because He owns everything, and has need for nothing, but He is looking for our faith. God does not need our talent and skill, because He can do everything, and He is the one who gave them to us in the first place, but He is wanting our praise and worship.

In the first place, God did not need to save us, did not need to create a church that will serve Him. All these were created for us, so we would come to Him, and be with Him, and experience a full life, and a peaceful eternity. Consequently, God is also a God who will not appreciate your small increments or your least efforts. He knows what He has given you, and knows what you are capable to give and offer back, and still be within comfort. He knows the contents of your heart, and knows when you are holding back from Him, whether it is your material wealth, or your time, or your strength, or even just your willingness.

Consider this then: if we hold back from God, He will be saddened, but eminently unshaken. But if God holds back from us, then we will just die. And will most probably suffer first, in some way or another. Not because He is a cruel God who punishes indiscriminately, but because we are a people who cannot live, just cannot bear, to be without Him.


Lord, restore my faith and my love for You. Keep me ever hungry for You and Your Word, so that I take my nourishment from You everyday of my life. Keep me ever thirsty for Your living water Lord, so that I will be refreshed with every reading. Open my heart to Your spirit, and open my hands that I may stand and give it back to you in my service. Bless my ministry Lord, and anoint me with the gifts of the spirit, that by my offering I may be a testimony to Your greatness.


1 comment

  1. I love that ending.

    “Consider this then: if we hold back from God, He will be saddened, but eminently unshaken. But if God holds back from us, then we will just die. And will most probably suffer first, in some way or another. ”

    True. “Saddened but unshaken”. Where did she come up with all these? Was she just that sensitive to the Word of God back then? Was she just that open to be a used as a vessel that pours out, as a conduit that transmits, as a mediator that translates?

    God doesn’t want my worship. He is gladdened by it.

    OTOH I *need* to worship God. It brings me life.

    And everything else brings death.

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