Thoughts on giving

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Use the talents that God gave you.  Leverage the strengths that God in His infinite wisdom saw fit to provide.  We are but stewards of the gifts that God entrusted us while we are on this earth and we should put these resources to good use.  It is by being a blessing to others that we will be blessed all the more.  It is a holy mystery, a delightful paradox, that the more we give (of ourselves, our time, our resources, etc.) the more we are fulfilled.  We are magnified rather than diminished; renewed and refreshed with every selfless offering.

And in this context when we say blessing we mean every resource we have at hand.  This stems from our core belief that God is the creator of everything, and the provider of everything in our lives.  This means that it is only fitting that we are willing to give back to Him, just as freely as it was given to us, with an open hand and an open heart.  This includes resources such as our time, our money, our energy, our spirit, our strength, our ideas, and our skills.  We consider all these as blessings from God, and as Christians we are charged with making sure it goes back to the Church as well.

However, we should also bear in mind that we should be good stewards, and we should make sure that our resources are disseminated properly, and not wasted indiscriminately.  Accepting that these are blessings from God, we should also consider that we have to be grateful for them, and take care of them considerably.  This is a sign of respect to the provider and ensures that blessings will flow considerably and abundantly as well.

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