This too shall pass, I think

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(I had mistakenly read 1 Peter 3:3-9 first instead of 1 Peter 1:3-9, and got a bit confused as it didn’t start with the beginning of a paragraph, and ended with the first sentence of the second.  Also, it had a bit about wives being the weaker partner.  But since it’s not the reading for the day, I will hold my peace and reflect on that for another day :))

The reading was about trials, and tough times, and temporary hardships that have to be endured in order to reap the eventual rewards.  The analogy made was of a doctorate degree, earned after seemingly being in the academe forever.  I don’t have a doctorate, but I do have a masters, so I can relate to a lesser degree (pun not intended).  I applied for that degree without really putting much effort into it, it was just an opportunity that I availed because it was there for me, so that towards the end I almost lost interest, but it was worth it in the end.

And, as always, today’s reading has something to do with what I was thinking about last night, when I was trying for almost an hour to go to sleep.  I had tried to schedule my day so that I was in bed by 11, and I did, but my traitorous, no-good, ever buzzing mind won’t let me sleep.  I couldn’t stop thinking about the really rough year I went through.  Sure I’m happy now, but I realized I never really resolved some of my feelings from last year.  I had emotion-amnesia, and it’s all coming back to me  now, apologies to Ms. Dion.  I just made that up, but it sounds about right.  I got through the year barely alive, but only because there were so many problems that were coming one after the other that I barely had time to dwell on one before I had to take a beating for the next.

Through it all, I never blamed God, or considered that I was being punished, or thought that He was singling me out.  But now I wonder whether that was necessarily a good thing, not considering that I was being singled out.  Maybe it was His way of saying that I should come back to Him.  I coped by trying to be as absorbent and flexible as possible.  I forbade myself to dwell too much on my problems, and to assert control over my emotions, and the result was that I trusted too much in myself, which I now realize is wrong.

Now God has given me time to reflect.  He arranged my life so that it would be easier for me to see Him.  He’s letting me breathe, and He’s given me the opportunity to recover emotionally.  I just have to take it.

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.

1 Peter 1:6 NLT

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