Nice is my middle name

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I read today’s Daily Devotion on the way to work, reading as I was walking and holding a broken umbrella over my head to protect the paper I was reading from the light early morning drizzle.  If you can call 8.30AM early morning.  Which I do.

I was walking in the rain again, wearing the wrong shoes, but it was ok because on Monday mornings I am usually happy when I had a chance to attend a service the night before.

As always, I was able to relate the reading to something in my life.   The text implored us to pray for a”winsome” and “loving” disposition, something that I have always had trouble with.  I associate more with being ‘sour’ than being ‘sweet’, and I have long acknowledged the fact that the incidental scowl on my face is both by nature and nurture.  I don’t smile that often.  As a teacher, and without even much effort, I had a reputation for being on the top five ‘terror’ lists.

I wish I could say all that is in the past now.  I still have my moments, I know that.  But lately, I’m happier.  Today at work someone actually said I looked ‘bright’.  Then again I was wearing pink, so I guess that helped.

I have a ways to go.  But at least nowadays my outlook is that I will eventually get there.

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