And the prison was shaken

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“Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off!”

‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭16:26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“And the prison was shaken to its foundations.” I have the opportunity to go inside the Singapore Prisons every now and then because of my work. The first time I went inside, I was very impressed with the security of the place. Thick cement walls and steel bars on every turn. You can’t go through most doors without being checked over by guards you don’t even see, cause they unlock the doors remotely. Security checks in every building, every floor.

The place appears to be an impenetrable fortress.

And yet for such a stronghold, I have no doubt that if this was the prison that the story in Acts is referring to, it can still be shaken to it’s very foundations. The walls can still crack, and the posts can still break. Because God is greater than anything that man can build with his tiny hands, nor think with his feeble mind.

God, I want this every now and then, the shaking. Because every so often I would go inside the prison of my mind. I would be held captive by thoughts that invade and intrude.

When this happens, God, shake me. Move me. Reach into my very core, and grab hold of my heart so that You would be the One that will rule and reign there once again; so that it will no longer be a prison, but be a throne room for You once again, a majestic hall where You are the centerpiece.


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