Be of calm spirit

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But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you?

Genesis‬ ‭50:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What wisdom at such a young age. You might recall this story, how his brothers betrayed him in more ways than one, and at various times of their lives. And yet every time, Joseph forgave them. Joseph knew that in the end, God’s judgement is the only one that matters.

It’s easy to be resentful, and difficult to be forgiving, but in Jesus’ name, we are empowered to be of calm spirit.

1 comment

  1. “I forgive you. For this, and for now. You will do it again, and I will forgive you again. You will do it again after that, and I will forgive you again after that.”

    This is what she said. In her delusion. In her desperation.

    And it became her destruction.

    Because it wasn’t reciprocated. It wasn’t even received.

    In the firmness of her faith she thought that all things are possible, and they were not.

    And now she is lost.

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