Blind Obedience

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“Anyway, let’s just follow.”

It doesn’t work like that. If you follow your leader, but are still questioning in your heart, then you are obeying blindly, and God is not looking for that kind of obedience.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. And obeying in this way is a little bit of a sacrifice. You are doing what is being asked, but your heart is not in it completely. You are giving up something of personal value (your time, your resources, your energy) in order to follow, but you are withholding your will and your conviction.

This can work in the short term, but it is not sustainable. Sooner or later you will find yourself questioning more than you are following. Your spirit is abraded. You lose honor for your leader, or your capacity to respect them becomes seriously impaired.

The end result being that you are the one being diminished.

Settle your business first, clean your house, clear your heart before you come before the Lord.

March 25, 2021

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