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Climbing should be all about climbing. When I am at the wall, I should concentrate just on the route I have to climb. One tile, and then the other. Rock by rock. Step up, hand over, grip without over gripping, pull up if needed, push up, and just climb. My mind on the route, my eyes on the wall, my body tight, and that’s it. No other thoughts, just pure focus and white hot energy.

My palms are starting to sweat just thinking about it.

The other day, I started wearing my headset while climbing. It was awesome. Half my mind was on the music, and it allowed me to not overthink the climb too much.

It helped a lot that I was listening to worship songs. I prayed before and during every route, and it always gave me the extra strength I needed to finish every one.

Today I will try my more secular songs. Less powerful I know, but I’m not so legalistic as to think only worship or Christian songs are allowed.

I’m looking forward to the climb actually.

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