Crying out to God

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He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What is the condition of your relationship with God now?

Hungering. Yearning. Longing.

These were all the familiarly human emotions that Jesus went through in order to show us that that these are the right responses to our need for God. Jesus normalised these powerful emotions, teaching us that a) it is ok to have them, and b) they are manageable.

By His intentional response to the struggle facing Him at that time, He set an example of how He wants us to be: humbled and vulnerable before God, and yet never losing sight of Who He is and what He can do.

If you don’t cry out to God, you are implying the following:

You don’t matter. You are trivialising your own problems, minimalising them and somehow implying that they just don’t matter. That’t not fair to you, or to your situation. And it’s simply not true.

You have stopped feeling. This is dangerous avoidance. Feelings just don’t stop; emotions just don’t disappear. They can get bottled up, or shoved down, sometimes even for years and years, but if not confronted or treated with Godly counsel, they just don’t cease to exist for no reason.

You are not acknowledging God’s power over all things. You would only ask for something from someone if you know they can deliver right? God is all powerful. Lay it down before Him and just let Him do His thing.

You are not acknowledging God’s goodness to you. God loves you. There’s an entire Book written about His love for you. He has forgiven you for more things than you can even remember, both things in the past and things that are yet to happen. God loves you so so much.

Cry out to God today, and see how He will come to take away your pain.

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