Day 1 – 2010 Easter Prayer and Fasting Guide

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Pray through the Scriptures
Luke 4:1-15 (Jesus retreats to the desert to fast and pray for 40 days)
Matthew 6:25-34 (Seek first the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness)

Personal Prayer
Pray that through prayer and fasting you might seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness and by so doing find that anxiety and worry slip away.

Easter Prayer
Pray not only for the Easter Sunday but for the entire Easter season. That everyone will truly be in the presence of God as we commemorate His sacrifice on the cross.

Spiritual Preparation
Give all of your worries and anxieties over to God. The Lord knows your needs. It is not necessary to fret over them. Try this spiritual breathing exercise: Exhale your worries and anxieties; Inhale the Holy Spirit and the kingdom of God.

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