Day 3 – 2010 Easter Prayer and Fasting Guide

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Pray through the Scriptures
Acts 13:1-3; 14:21-25 (The early Christians, including the apostle Paul, fasted and prayed to discern the Holy Spirit’s leading)
Isaiah 58:6-12 (Fasting that is unaccompanied by justice and mercy is useless. Fasting is meant to sensitize us to the compassion and call of God, not avoid it)

Personal Prayer
Pray that you will never make a spiritual practice such as fasting an end rather than a means. (The end of any spiritual practice, including fasting, is God and becoming more like Christ and therefore living in a way that brings glory to God. Isaiah 58 describes such a life)

Easter Prayer
Pray for our Care groups, that through our care groups many will know how much the Lord loves each and everyone. Pray for the success of our care groups and pray for the love of Jesus to be evident in our care group family.

Spiritual Preparation
Get clear in your mind (from Isaiah 58) what pleases God. Clarify what the purpose of you fast will be and how it can sensitize you to God’s justice, righteousness, compassion and love.

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