When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
Psalm 56: 3-4
In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
A while back I wrote a teaching about Praising in Prison. It was based on the account in the Book of Acts, where Paul and Silas lifted up their praises to God even as they were thrown in jail. Reading it now, with the open wounds of 2022 still hurting and bleeding within me, I can still relate. Thank God for His Words. They are fresh and new with every reading.
It’s a prison of sorts, this situation. I’m imprisoned in some areas of my mind. There are things I still can’t do, places I still can’t go. I was trying to book a plane ticket to go back home a few days ago, and I was so overcome with sadness that I had to step out and take a breath (i.e. cry outside). What would that first flight be like? Travel was our thing.
But despite all that, I continue to praise Him. Every day I praise Him, with what I have I praise Him, with my community, my family, my fellowship I praise Him. I know that He is always there, and He will never forsake me. He is the only one whom I can trust.
Because what else is there? The alternative is endless sorrow, and being forever alone.
In that case, the only other option is death.