Depth of the Riches – Romans 11:33-36

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33Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
34“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
35“Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay him?
36For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.

I put great stock in intelligence.  All my life, I’ve always been drawn to smart people.  Out of the chipmunks, I preferred Simon over Alvin.  Among the Ghostbusters, I crushed on Egon Spengler.  In the movies and on TV, I didn’t have the same bias against nerds and geeks as most story plots and character stylists seem to have.  Maybe because I counted myself as one, even before I fully understood the term.  I have a very twisted way of thinking sometimes, and I was a self-proclaimed cynic.  I’m all about logic and analysis and hard facts, and I always appreciate a good proof, even theoretical ones.  I loved debating with someone intelligent, because I enjoyed dancing around arguments, finding inconsistencies with statements, and playing with words to make double, sometimes even triple meaning sentences not just to drive home a point, but also for the comic effect of it.

Given all that, one the greatest hurdles that I’ve had to overcome when I received Jesus into my life was my own brain. Faith is believing in something that we do not see. I was told to put my trust in something that is a self-proclaimed spirit, immaterial and not of this earth and known universe, and residing in ethereal, unknowable ‘heaven’. That is just too much for my brain to take in at one go.

But God is wise with a wisdom that is infinite. It stretches all throughout the universe, and occupies space and time. Not only does He know about the things on this earth, every epic or monumental event that ever happened through all of history; He also knows about each and every person as well. And not just the big stuff. He knows every little detail about your life, every mundane story, every boring little thing that ever happened to you or ever will happen to you.

In His wisdom, He knew exactly how to get to me. Logic gates and controller models and all. He knew what language to use. He knew what approach to take. He knew how to engage me.

And now I appreciate His wisdom. I recognize His leading, and I know when His hands are at work in me or through me or for me. I have accepted His mysterious ways, and the fact that sometimes we are not privy to some of the things that He knows. I accept that sometimes He has plans that are not yet revealed to us, but which we will eventually learn will be for our own good.

It doesn’t even bother me anymore that I don’t understand everything about Him, or about His Word. It is for us to partake and digest and enjoy.

I have written about it various times in this blog:

And still I don’t think I have exhausted all my questions, nor expressed my the depth of my awe and amazement at how good and kind and unnaturally wise He truly is.

Father truly You are the source of all wisdom, the fountain of righteous knowledge.  Indeed You are a God who fulfills promises, for surely as I have asked, meekly as is my wont, You came back to me with a resounding answer, a torrent of advise, a solid wall of conviction that leaves me in no doubt that You are listening and watching over me!  Everyday I am amazed by the things that you show me. Amen

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