Discover God’s Character

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Start with talking about how the first booklet was about ‘experiencing’, and the second is about ‘discovery’

Knowing Your God

  • God made the first step in telling us He loves us despite us being weak and sinful
  • God chose to love us even before we knew He existed; even before we existed

    Jeremiah 31:3
    Jeremiah 1:5

Who is God to Me?

  • ask your student to try to explain who God is for her
  • the Bible has a simple story:
    • God created man
    • man rejected God
    • Since then, God has been seeking to re-establish the rel’p between Himself and man
  • in order to do this, God relates to us in three forms at different times

The Trinity

All three are one, equal in power and authority, and have existed since before creation

  1. God, the heavenly Father
    Genesis 1:26
  2. God, the Son
    Jesus Christ, taking the form of man
    Philippians 2:5-8
    – came into the world to save us
    – no one can have a rel’p with God except through christ
    John 14:6
  3. God, the Holy Spirit
    – Counselor, lives in every believer
    – helps us to become more like Jesus, and to serve more effectively
    John 14:26

How do I get to know God?

  1. Acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God
  2. Spend time to talk and listen to God
  3. Understand His Word

Reflection: Who am I in God?

  • we are the sons and daughters of God
  • as His heirs we will receive inheritance in due time
  • if you acknowledge that God is your spiritual Father then have faith that He will take care of you
    Jeremiah 29:11

Mentor Chat: How to Receive Blessings

  1. Asking and praying
    Matthew 7:7-8
    – we need to pray using the name of Jesus, coupled together with faith
  2. Obeying God
    1 John 3:22
  3. Honouring God in giving
    Malachi 3:6-10


  • God wants to know us and be known by us as a personal God
  • He wants to bless us because we are His children

13And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

Ephesians 1:13-14

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