The method has always been our prerogative. The medium has always been dictated by circumstances. God has always allowed us the joy of discovery.
But His message remains the same.
There are certain constants that hold true. His message of love is an unchanging truth that will never change, no matter what happens. Places and people will change. Passions will wax and wane. Participation will always be inconsistent.
But His message remains the same.
Persecution will always be present. Preconceptions and misguided conclusions will always be prevalent. People will judge and gossip and connive
But His message remains the same.
We still have to bring the people closer to the Word of God. That has not changed. The great commission remains the same. The charge remains the same.
Love Him above all else. Love one another.
His message remains the same.
Your life is not going the way you want it to? Noted. Next.
Your church is not perfect? Is that even news anymore? Cause it’s not.
You’re having a hard time at work? That’s why they call it “work”.
Your ministry is too hard? Wait, you mean the one you chose to sign up for? Keyword: volunteer.
Yes, I’m shouting.