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This morning, even before reaching the office, I have had 3 support requests. Another one came in just as I was sitting down, before I even had time to set down my bag.

I was resentful of these support tickets. I felt that they were beneath me. I fulfilled every one, but thought all the way that it was a waste of my time, and of the company’s resources, for me to be the one doing them.

But then again, this is where reminders like this come in. Humility is not just a vague, virtuous sounding concept, one that can only be applicable to our lives in the general sense. No. It belongs in our day to day living. It should be in the details of how we handle real life.

Because humility is being so secure in our identity in God, that we can let ourselves be less in the eyes of others, in the perception of others, because we are certain of who we are, who we really are, in God.

It is having a servant heart. It is not qualifying and quantifying when to serve, and whom to serve, and how much.

It is remembering God’s command to love others as we love ourselves.

So the support tickets, I did them, and then I immediately created Knowledge Base articles so that my colleagues would know how to the simple tasks themselves for next time. It is more efficient this way, and I’m being a good steward of my time, and the company’s resources.

Thank you Lord for the wisdom.


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