I Have Victory Through Jesus

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This year in our church, we are calling it the year of victory. In fact, more than that, we are saying, we have won. We are not just praying for it; we are claiming that we have already achieved the victory.

It’s a bold claim. But one that has a solid basis. Our God is great after all. He can make impossible things happen.

And so we open this year intentionally saying from the very beginning that we have already won the victory. That we are already triumphant.

And it covers everything that can happen this year. Before it has even transpired.

What an inspired claim! Bold and confident. And also very timely. It’s the beginning of the year. A time for a fresh start. A time for new things.

Trust God for the victory.
Trust that He will do all impossible things.
Trust that He can move mountains even when those mountains seem insurmountable.


The people are to march around the city – silently – 1 time for 6 days
The priests were to blow their trumpets
On the 7th day they marched around 6 times – silently
On the 7th time around – they shouted and the walls fell down

Did the walls fall down because of some trumpets and shouting? No! The walls fell down because of God!