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How can you say you have no time? God gave us 24 hours and 7 days a week each. He also gave us a model on how to spend it: work for 6 days and rest for one.

He gave us bodies that are bound to the circadian rhythm. We require sleep, and our brains know instinctively when we need to rest, and He created us that way as well.

He said in His Word: there is a time for work and a time for play; a time to reap and a time to rest.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1

He gives us everything that we need in order to accomplish all that He has called us to do.

Besides, pitting this against the eternal truth that God is omnipotent, and knows the beginning of all things, has written the ending of all things, and tracks each thread of every decision that any man on earth can ever make — the God who holds all this in His mind surely knows how long everything would take to play out.

If we go according to God’s wisdom, there is always enough time.


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