Joy to the World

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That ubiquitous Christmas song goes, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her King.” Everyone knows this song. Just a few bars in, and everyone can sing along. It’s so common that the words can sort of run together. Let’s break it down here.

Joy to the world — rejoice! Everyone be merry and happy, all around the world. And the world does do this; who doesn’t want to be happy? This time of year is so festive, that a majority of the world holds festivities in one way or another, whether or not they are Christians. Also, it’s a major public holiday, so at the very least, everyone gets a day off to spend as they wish.

The Lord has come — remember Jesus! Here we get to the heart of the matter. Here we get to the real reason for the season. Jesus came on this day! Not exactly on the calendar date of course, but around this time for sure. That’s why we call it a season. The Son of God came to earth to show us love, and it is more than enough reason to rejoice.

Let earth receive her King — receive! We welcome Jesus into our hearts and into our lives, and we accept and proclaim his sovereignty.

The song goes on:

Let every heart, prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and heaven and nature sing

And so when we hear this song, let’s remember to rejoice, for Jesus is here, and as we receive Him in our hearts, we celebrate and sing, because it is the right response to such and amazing gift.

Joy to world! The Lord has come!~