Unlock God’s Peace for You
Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4:35-41)
Doing what is right will bring peace and rest. When my people do that, they will stay calm and trust in the Lord forever.
Isaiah 32:17 NIRV
PRAISE | Love Come Down Deep Cries Out |
WORSHIP | Still – Hillsong Worship |
HEART PREP | It is Well – Bethel Music |
[Activity before we start, do this if we have time, if the other segments did not go into overtime.]
Ask for a volunteer who knows the story about Jesus calming the storm.
Ask for a volunteer of someone who doesn’t know the story.
Ask the entire classroom to make noise (talk with your seatmates, sing out loud ‘Old McDonald’ or ‘Happy Birthday’, tell a story).
Interview the person who didn’t know the story if they understood a word.
How was the experience? Did you find it hard to talk? Did you find it easy to understand? Why? Are you stressed right now?

What do you think of when you see this symbol? (Wait for them to answer.) What are other words for peace? (Quiet, silence, no war, etc.)

Today we are going to talk about the peace that comes from God. The true peace that Jesus brings.
The world tells us that to achieve peace in our lives, we have to do certain things.
For example, maybe we can go to the spa, or the beach. (Who here loves the beach?)

There’s a trending app out there called Calm, which received millions of dollars in funding and research. I was surprised at the amount, but not at the fact, because it’s a reminder that the world needs to be calm right now more than ever, and people are starting to realise that.
There’s an app on my watch that tells me to breathe every now and then. (Describe the app and what happens.)
There’s nothing wrong with helper apps like this, or with going to a retreat every now to then to have a break in your busy schedule.
But we have to realise that these are only that — mental breaks, or physical breaks to quiet or slow things down for us.
Real inner peace, the kind that lasts, that kind that touches you from deep within, comes from God.
After you get home from the spa or the beach, that vacation is over, and you go right back to the grind. When your apps end, or your device loses battery, you have no means to access that means of meditation.
The good news is that we have unlimited access to the kind of peace that never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on us. The kind of peace that power through any situation. The kind of peace that we can access anytime, and anywhere. And kind of peace that is completely free, and already paid and bought for us.
But before we continue, let’s watch this video.
This is one story from the Bible (Mark 4:35-41) that tells how powerful Jesus is. He can command the storm, the waves and wind, to quiet down with just His voice.
It also shows us that He wants us to receive this power. He wants us to have faith in Him in that He will make everything all right, He will bring the stillness and peace, if we only believe in Him.
There are a lot of things that bring us stress. Things that steal our inner peace. Mainly these are things that we have no control over. And the stress comes when we try our hardest to make these things bend to our will. When we try, with our own flawed strength, to lift up these burdens, fix what is broken, all by ourselves.
I’m telling you, that’s impossible. We will never be rid of all these problems, we will never achieve inner peace, by ourselves. We need a higher power to do that. We need Jesus.
I leave my peace with you. I give my peace to you. I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not let your hearts be troubled. And do not be afraid.
John 14:27 NIRV
Jesus has already given us exactly what we need to battle the things that take away our peace. Things that fight for our attention and joyful disposition. Things that distract us and destroy the goodness within us.
1 KNOW Jesus
2 LOVE Jesus
3 ASK Jesus
The way to unlock God’s peace for us is this: know who Jesus is, know what He can do, and ask Him to give you peace. That’s it. You don’t have to go someplace special, or install an app, or pay a certain amount of money. You don’t have to be anyone else, you just have to be you, someone who knows Jesus, and loves Jesus, and prays to Jesus.
And so as we sing our worship song, we’re actively going to do the third thing. We are going to ask Jesus to give us peace. The song says, “Hide me now, under your wings; cover me within Your mighty hands.” Beautiful words for a beautiful Saviour. Let’s worship Him now as we ask for His peace.
Teaching Slides can be found here.
Read this guide: Kids Pursuing Peace. Use the scenarios in your discussion and lead the kids to talk about their own situations.