Personal Prayer during Sunday Service

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Lord is this the answer to the unspoken question in my heart?  The question that I can’t articulate?  Lord I don’t even know what to ask, don’t even know how to phrase the question!  You went straight to the root of the matter, looked deep inside the recesses of my mind, and knew what was best for me.

Father show me what to pray for, what to ask of You.  You who created me, who knows each hair on my head, and each line of my palm, who knows the contents and the desires of my heart, who knows my past and my future; You know what is best for me, even if I do not see it for now, even if it is not yet revealed to me, even if I am blind to it, or am closing my mind to it.  Open my eyes Lord, reveal to me the path that I must take.  Let my desire be in line with the promises of Your Kingdom.

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