Prayers for the Men

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Lord today entrust to You, Your son William. I claim that today that You will send the strength of angels down to him. I claim that today He will experience your presence in a very real way. Cover Him Jesus with Your divine protection. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Lord today I entrust to You, Your son Alaine. May He keep Your Word in his heart. May it burst out from his lips in prayer and in worship. As You reside in Him, may nothing keep Him from your presence today, as You surprise Him endlessly in all the countless ways that You are in his life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Lord today I entrust to You, Your son Ryan. Put Your Word in His heart, Your joy in his heart, and Your strength in His body. As he smiles today, it will be because the lightness of Your presence is with Him. May every thought and word and deed that comes out of Him be defined by You. May every decision be informed by Your acts. May his praise and his worship glorify You. And in turn bless him, Lord, make his works fruitful, and give him a wonderful testimony. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏼

Lord today I entrust to You, Your son Jimmy. He is Your beloved one, Your anointed one. You have laid Your hands upon him, and have chosen him for Your good works. Lord, be with Him always, that he may be aware of Your presence, and remember You in all that he says or does. May Your Words inform His every move, affect His every decision. Give him strength for his work. I know that the spring in his step and the smile on his lips comes from You Jesus, for that is how you love. Thank You for His life Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏼

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