Psalm 4

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In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.

Psalm 4:4 NIV

The Lord’s gentle tap on my shoulder today came in the form of this verse. Here it is in JEV (Janice Extended Version)

In your [intense] anger [which is often, and however righteous or justified] do not sin [which includes sins of ommission, or even just evil thoughts]; when you are on your beds [at night, when you are at your most vulnerable and prone to exaggerated imaginations], search your hearts [and try to remember that God is there, that you have already received Him and therefore the Holy Spirit resides there as well] and be silent [and still before God, praying fervently and replacing your traitorous thoughts with those of the Kingdom’s].

Psalm 4:4 JEV

Amen 🙂

From Chloe

God spoke to me in Psalms 4:5, that I should offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put my trust in the Lord.  Sometimes there are times when I know I am being unfaithful, but I don’t let this feeling stay. I look back on the times when I was super faithful to God, and I am strengthened by the memory.

After listening to Joyce Meyers’s preaching on Intimacy with God, and learning that there are 4 levels of it, I was really touched, and felt how God works in my life, and how He will fulfull all His plans for me. I know I have to step forward to grow more in Christ 🙂

From Raquel

Psalm 4:4 spoke to me because of a certain situation that is happening right now where I have to understand someone for what I think are wrong and immature decisions. It made me reflect that I have to talk to the person face to face to get the whole story, and not to let my emotions get the better of me so that I will avoid sinning 🙂

From Melanie

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary, The psalmist warns against sin. Keep up holy reverence of the glory and majesty of God. You have a great deal to say to your hearts, they may be spoken with, let it not be unsaid. Examine them by serious self-reflection; let your thoughts fasten upon what is good, keep close to it. Consider your ways, and before you turn to sleep at night, examine your consciences with respect to what you have done in the day; particularly what you have done amiss, that you may repent of it. When you awake in the night,  meditate upon God, and things that belong to your peace. Upon a sick-bed,particularly, we should consider our ways. Be still. When you have asked conscience a question, be serious, be silent, wait for an answer. Open not the mouth to excuse sin. All confidence must be pan answer. Open not the mouth to excuse sin.  All confidence only: after commanding the sacrifices of righteousness, the psalmist says. Put your trust in the Lord.

1 comment

  1. galing tlga mgsulat ni te janice, heheh im so bless to be ur sheep,, thank you for sharing ur life with me,, im growing in Christ coz of you,,, naks,, more than words can say

    Hi Chloe, I’m so blessed by your life ren, nakaka-inspire, the learning and blessing is always two-way when we do shepherding 🙂

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