God gives us authority over our enemies, both those we know of, and those we do not yet perceive. It expounds on the lengths that God will go for our protection, and the extent of His capability to avenge us.
Psalm 7 also warns that the wrath of God can come down on the wicked in a really big way, and from which there is no escape.
From Lui
We shouldn’t take vengeance ourselves for the rightful vengeance is from the Lord. He will deliver us from our enemies.
From Raquel
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness
Psalm 7:17
and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
Thank God for the successful CG that we held last night. Even though I went straight to the CG after work and haven’t had a chance to rest, God gave me the strength to enjoy it, I’m so happy.