Simplifying faith

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There is a clean pure joy involved in having a simple believing heart.  One that doesn’t have any of the complications of reasoning and justification, one that doesn’t consider background and history, or at least knows that not everything hinges on them.

If you think about it, ‘yes’ is a short word, yet when it comes to faith, it is very hard to let go of, very hard to utter.  It’s understandable though.  I think the natural reaction of human beings is resistance.  Given a choice between fight or flight, unless the human in question has a ‘superman complex’ or is unusually violent, the initial reaction would be the latter.  Given a choice between ‘yes’ – an agreeable, docile answer, or ‘no’ – a safe, non-committal response, people generally choose to say nay.

When it comes to faith, and obedience, and a calling to just believe, this is very unfortunate.

Even more so is a person’s predisposition to reason out using logical rules and scientific laws.  These are all very reasonable natural responses, but they are very worldly, and belong to the physical realm.  Making them fit for matters that are spiritual in nature is flawed and unacceptable, a futile exercise.  Think square peg and round hole.

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