Small bites

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I discovered built in Background Sounds in iOS, and it is introverted bliss! You can set it to be on all the time when there is no media playing, so if you are in between songs, or simply want to read a website without music going on in the background, you have the perfect noises to drown out the world while wearing your noise cancelling headsets, be they AirPods, or AirPods Maxses.

This, coupled with a hoodie, is like walking through the world while hiding under a rock, or being inside a cave. I’m hidden in my thoughts most of the time anyways, and this is like going even deeper under those covers.

What I’m wondering is, are these the most noise cancelling devices I can own? Are there any other devices that can shut out the world more than these already do? While still going out and about. While still being able to walk on the streets and be around other people, pretending normalcy.

Asking for a friend.

Anyway, today’s subsistence included protein powders in my overnight oatmeal with almond milk. All plant based, all wholesome and healthy. And it all tasted so good, so delicious.

And I am reminded that every day, God will find a way to show you His goodness.

In small bites, or in small victories, there is beauty and joy every day no matter what.

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:36‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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