The Vow – Fruitfulness

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After such a great privilege of being given a new identity, what will you do? How do you respond after being bestowed such a wonderful gift?

When I was younger, giving gifts stressed me out big time. I always worried about what to give, thinking it has to be something the receiver would fully appreciate. And I would be so offended when they didn’t use or like whatever random thing it was that I had chosen and forced upon their lives.

Thankfully, I’m over that now. But it did stem from a desire to please, to give something nice, and to somehow affect someone’s life in a small but positive way.

In a much larger way (understatement), God wants us to use His gifts. He wants us to be productive with them, and efficient, and appreciative, and excellent, and all the wonderful things that come with living the full life.

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

John 15:8

He blessed us to bless others. He gave us His Name, so that we can be one with Him. And then He wants us to tell others, so that they will know His Name, and be one with Him as well.

What have you done with His gifts lately? The most selfless thing? The most fruitful/productive thing?

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