There is happiness in siopao

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This morning some people were working on the sidewalk that I usually take on the way to our building.  Laying pipes, or something important like that.  It made me take a different path, parallel to the sidewalk, and right up to the wall of the building warehouses that line the industrial area where my office is located.

The new path brought me directly to the nearby hawker, which I had to get through if I wanted to get to our building faster.  I knew that it was open at the time that I’m usually walking to work, but I never bothered going, thinking that anything they would be serving up would probably be too heavy for me to eat for breakfast.  (They didn’t serve the kaya+toast+plus+kopi set there.)

But then I noticed that one stall sold siopao.  I went over immediately and asked if they had char siew.  It’s the closest to asado that one could get in Singapore.

Me: Ey, auntie, how much?  One dollar is it?  (I pointed to the fluffy round white things).
Auntie: (Smiling)  Where got one doh-lah?  See-tee cen lah!
Me: Oh ok!  Give me two please.
Auntie: One dollah twen-tee cen ok?

Basically she was saying, “Whoever heard of a one-dollar siopao?  That’s utterly preposterous!  It’s only sixty cents each.”  And I was like, “This is marvelous!  A complete* breakfast for only sixty cents.  I shall definitely take two.”

And it was so.

I ate them with a cup of my own Signature Office Coffee (all rights reserved), and it was great.  So great that I had to tell someone “greatest breakfast ever!!!” via WhatsApp.  They were freshly made and delicious, with just the right amount of sweetness to the taste that went very well with my coffee and milk.

I think I shall have them again tomorrow.

Thank you Lord for my breakfast today!  Thank you for showing me happiness in a fluffy round white thing.  Thank you for leading me down the path that showed me where I could have a spot of happiness and fullness where I never expected to find any so “early” in the morning!

* As opposed to the breakfast I usually have, which is, none.

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