When Yes Means Yes

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But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.

‭‭James‬ ‭5:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Let your yes be “yes”, and your no be “no”. Speak as a person with conviction, assured in a truth that is based on Biblical principles.

Commit if you will commit. Make a decision and stick to it.

Yes, it’s necessary. No, it’s not easy.

“Maybe”, “later”, “I’ll pray for it” – these are all valid, for not everything can be cast in stone immediately after all, not in a world that throws curve balls, and no one can claim to be exempt from trials and tribulations while still on this earth.

But you know, and you know, and you know when you are tarrying. When you are using “maybe” and “later” and “I’ll pray for it” as a delaying tactic.

What does your “yes” mean to you? What does it mean to you when you have committed to something, agreed to an invitation, or said yes to someone’s request for a favour?

It often happens that there’s too many things going on at once. Work, and ministry, and family, and friendships, and relationships, all wanting your time and attention. Not to mention your personal life — time off for your well being and general sanity.

That’s why my “yes” is so important to me. When I let go of it, I want to be able to make that commitment. I want my word to mean something.

Also, there is a certain way that I want others to see me, and a part of that is as someone who is responsible, conscientious, punctual, and disciplined. I don’t like flaky people, and I don’t want to be viewed as one as well.

Apart from this seemingly superficial aspect, I do put a lot of stock in what people say. I believe the words that people release into the world are a part of them. All the words that we say, as long as they rolled off our own tongues, so to speak, is a part of what makes us up, our psyches and personalities and inherent characters.

Not that they define the entirety of the person.

It depends on the context of course, and the nature of the words being said, it’s place in the conversation, and its position, in a big or small way, depending on the situation.

I guess it comes down to what your word is based on. If your truth is based on the Bible, then your words are as well. And that makes them sound and rock solid.

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