With direction and in doubt

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He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:3-4

My dear child,
Are you happy where you are right now? Do you feel stuck? Are there places where you want to be?

Wherever you are right now, I invite you to follow me. I am able to lead you from here to a place that is best for you. Better than what you have in mind. I only want what is best for you. Will you follow me?

In this journey, there are things that you will have to leave behind and things that you will have to take with you, things to learn and unlearn. Unnecessary baggage that you will have to toss behind. Walk close to me… Open your heart to what I will say. Though valleys or mountains lie ahead, I will walk with you. Through unknown paths I will lead you. You shall not lack. You shall not fear for I am with you. I will bless you. I will lead you along quiet waters. Though storm or peril come you shall not be destroyed. I will restore what you have lost with something better. Walk with me.

Unburnt through the fire
Unswayed through the waves
Through waters uncovered
Untouched by the flames
I walk through the valley
I walk through the hills
The sea parts before me
I speak to the winds

God is an ever present help in time of need, and I have no idea how people could cope without Him.  Maybe they have priests, or counsellors, or therapists?  But all of those are also human beings, who are prone to failure.  Maybe they sleep on piles and piles of money?  But eventually, wealth runs out, for it is a finite, quantifiable source.  Maybe they rely on the love and adulation of other people?  But people are fickle, and are also prone to failure.

Maybe they rely on nothing?  Think they can get by with just existing?  Moving through earth until they die?

But that’s just sad.


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